Biodiversity Net Gain

Metrics to Monitoring
Our staff have a particular expertise in Biodiversity Net Gain, both in relation to development schemes and biodiversity gain sites.
We advise on all stages of BNG delivery, from botanical surveying and design, through to implementation, delivery and long-term monitoring.
We have extensive experience designing BNG schemes on behalf of developer clients, and additionally benefit from public sector experience, with staff who have been instrumental in designing and implementing BNG policy at the local authority level.
There is a distinct skills shortage in the industry, with many consultancies offering net gain services but making errors in survey methodology, metric calculations, and reporting.
We ensure BNG is delivered as smoothly as possible for our clients.
We are pleased to offer the following services:
- Completion of appropriate botanical surveys (UKHab) to accurately and robustly map the baseline BNG value of a site.
- Appropriate in-house accreditation and capability to undertake and advise upon the completion of river assessment work, inclusive of MoRPH assessment.
- Completion of all relevant documentation and reporting, including The Statutory Biodiversity Metric, the Small Sites Metric, Habitat Management and Monitoring Plans.
- Provision of expert advice from scheme inception through detailed design to ensure the most effective use of land and the maximisation of a schemes BNG position.
- Advice on strategic BNG approach, including interpretation of policy and legislation, application of the ‘biodiversity gain hierarchy’ and the appropriateness of BNG strategies on a site-specific basis.
- Liaison with consultees and third parties, as may be required to agree mitigation solutions or secure off-site delivery.